
Term 1.3
An interface for the WDkA in the 1.5mtr society
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1st draft + notes
2nd draft + notes
Very, very basic first drafts
Overview page
Sketch to define concept more (including some of my questions and feedback from Gabrielle & Brigit)
Prototype of the mobile app
Rooms on the screens at school
The furniture & their functions
Most important aspects of the interface
After feedback
After a long and fruitfull talk with Brigit I got some more directions to work in with my interface. The main points of discussion/feedback were:

- Platform
At first I was thinking about making a platform for desktops, because of the size of the screens, but I figured out fast that a phone would be the easiest way to create and upload things for the platform.

- Representation
After a long discussion about this with Brigit it became clear that the platform shouldn't be too free in terms of customizability (too high treshold) but should not be limiting to students. This basically meant that the platform should be based on a system/templates, but still be very customizable in easy ways.

- Common area
Based on a suggestion by Brigit I decided to include a common area, where all the people on the platform could come together and showcase their work, or do whatever they would like to do there. To create more of a sense of community on the platform.
- Security
To provide full creative freedom on the platform there shouldn't be an AI filtering all the posts, but it should be possible for users to report things. To make and maintain it to be a safe space.

- Needs
Figure out what the mediums are that every person from each study at WdKA uses, so I can base the system on that.
Narrowed down into furniture
Finding a way for the navigation
Different ways of customizing
All the screens and variations I ended up making
My goal for both the navigation and customization was to make it as easy and non-invasive on a tiny phone screen as possible, while still giving plenty of options and customizability.